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5 Lies Women That Must Be Known To Men And The Solution

5 Lies Women That Must Be Known To Men And The Solution

- Said the person, the woman difficult to understand. There was no one who could dive into it a woman's heart. Often what was spoken by the woman is not same with what he thinks. Some example sentences here may be familiar to our ears, but do you know, what is the real meaning of the greeting that came out of the lips of a woman? Let's look further!

1. "I'm not angry, really!"

If your woman said that sentence, don't swallow it raw. In fact he was mad at you. This is the most common lie is encountered in a relationship. Women often utilize this phrase as self-defense, especially for women who find themselves being hurt by their partner.

For example, if a man accidentally forget the day so the partner or wrong call his partner by the name of another girl, then don't be surprised if the woman utters the phrase as above with the attitude of a cold.

Radar Lies:
Lies like this are usually easily detected because generally women trying to cover up the pain of their hearts and the hope of men can read to their hearts ' content. Eye movement too often, the intonation of the voice and the attitude of a passive-aggressive is a signal that most clearly to read the signs that he was ready to blurt out his anger.

What You Need To Do:
You'd better stay away for a while from his presence. Give it time to relieve his anger, after that try to talk from heart to heart about the negligence that you have done. Express your regrets sincerely in front of him.

2. "I don't mind you to a Strip club with your friends."

Wow.. you have a pair that is cool! But what actually your partner that let you hang-out in the club though with your friends? It feels like it's too good to be true. The lie is not much different with the first lies in top. The woman flashed a sentence like this is usually just to test his partner. For the same reason, they also lie when they said that they didn't mind if his partner went just being alone with another woman.

Radar Lies:
This lie is usually more hidden than in the first. For some women, the lies can be directly detected from the change of their attitude. But for some other women may not look the change in attitude even though their heart may be injured.

What You Need To Do:
If you want to make sure whether your lover is lying or not, ask him to pronounce the sentence of the above while you face both of his eyes. Generally if a person save the lie, he did not dare to face-to-face or dispose of his view. If you find a situation like this you should give in and undo your intention. Try to ask yourself whether you really need to visit a club like that?

3. "I'm not ready for a relationship with another Man right now."

Maybe this is the reason most classic expressed by the women when they want to reject a man. Usually the lies this is followed by a sentence like "I had a broken heart some time ago and I don't want to get hurt again," or "now this I again focus on a career, so I was thinking about relationship romance." But do you know what actually that was in his mind? The woman is still single and not interested in you.

Radar Lies:
If he seems uncomfortable when alone with you or shy away from eye contact or too much ado, it is certain that he was lying.

What You Need To Do:
Listen to every sentence he spoke. Hide the fact that you know that he lied. Remain calm and in control by showing that you believe in his words, after that let it pass away from your life. Hiks, sad indeed...

4. "Let me buy you a drink."

Although not all women who utter such a sentence means a lie, but the majority of women expect the man to pay expenses especially if the man who first took the woman on a date. A lot of women who secretly underestimate the couple if the couple is dating, they seem reluctant to pay for their date. Every time dating, most men have to strive to offer to pay expenses, such as dinner or to watch if they are first invited the woman for dating. If in a dating session, the woman insisted on paying for the expenses of dating, you should bill it is divided along. But if he filed a protest while ago, it signifies that he did it for the sake of decency, should the men who pay.

Levels Lie:
If the couple said, "Oh, let me pay," but he seemed reluctant to do it, this means they do not intend to do it.

What You Need To Do:
Before the date, prepare yourself as best as possible including in terms of financial. If the woman who became a dating partner seems impressed indeed only want to use you, you can keep your distance from her but you still look a gentleman.

5. "You're the best in bed."

A lie that has difficulty level is rather high to be detected. When women decide to commit with man, usually they are focusing on their partner. Often women believe that their partner is "the one and only" in his life. Because women are sensitive creatures, usually they will say things that are happy to be heard by their partner to make them feel better.

Radar Lies:
Because sex is a topic that is sensitive and personal in nature, then it is likely you can only know from the game of romance with your spouse.

What You Need To Do:
Avoid asking how many times he has ever have sex with other men. That question will only trigger a big fight with a partner. On the contrary, if he gives some advice or expressed desire in touch in a certain part of you, so it is a signal that he wants the game of romance between you two is better again.


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