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9 Business Ideas With the Capital in Under 10 Million

9 Business Ideas With the Capital in Under 10 Million

- Thinking too much is the most you should avoid when going to start a business. Suppose, you often think that to start a business then it must have a large enough capital.

Indeed, starting a business with large capital likely to fast forward and evolve, but that doesn't mean you can't start a business with capital that is small.

There are a lot of ideas business capital under 10 million that you can make inspiration to help you get started, here are 10 ideas business capital in under 10 million:


1. Laundry Home

Washing clothes into one of the problems that burden the workers, because they almost don't have time to wash his own clothes.

From morning till night they are preoccupied with the affairs of the work, don't be surprised if in the end the dirty clothes pile up.

If the holidays have arrived, they will prefer to spend time relaxing or doing things that she likes, and of course washing clothes is not in the list of activities they prefer.

Then when they wash clothes?

Well, the question here is can you change into opportunities your business.

If you think that a laundry business will issue a huge budget, you're wrong.

Laundry home could be the business capital under 10 million if you start with a small scale.

Start with e.g. buy 2 washing machine, 1 iron and ironing board and a few supplies other support such as a clothesline, a bucket, and so forth.

If the number of consumers begin to increase, you can consider to buy additional equipment.


2. Coffee Drinks

The phenomenon of the coffee business that flourished definitely you can feel lately, right?

Not only because of the number of coffee lovers is growing, but it could be said now that this coffee has become a part of the lifestyle of the people of Indonesia.

In addition, the coffee business is also one of the business capital under 10 million, so it is no wonder that many people are serious about it.

Although a lot of rivals, you do not need to worry!

Because if you can find the uniqueness of products coffee drinks you have, the exact business you will be able to compete.

The main equipment you need to start a business drink coffee is espresso coffee machine.

One of the espresso machine affordable is Delonghi ECP 31.21 Coffe Maker, and cost only 3 millions. Pretty affordable, right?

After that, you can buy the other supplies, and don't forget to think about the concept of business coffee drinks you that you have a target market is clear.


3. Muslimah Clothing

Indonesia is the country with the largest muslim population in the world, surely you've often heard the phrase, isn't it?

It is can you make the business opportunities for you, you could try their luck with selling clothes Muslimah and its complexities such as veil, pashmina, brooches and so on.

If you have expertise in making designs or sewing, you could sell products of your own, but kalaua you don't have these skills you can search for suppliers or convection to work together.

Although this is the business capital under 10 million, but if you're at it earnestly and diligently promote your product, then the turnover that you will certainly more than 10 million.

One of the places you can go to find a supplier of muslim clothing is a market blok A Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta.


4. Grocery Store

Open a grocery store is also a business capital under 10 million as well.

One of the most important things when it wants to open a grocery store is to make sure you provide a wide range of consumer needs at the hardware store.

The more complete the product that you provide, then more and more consumers are going to stop by your store.

In addition, try not to give too high a price, especially if in the vicinity of your store, there is a similar shop. No need to take a good thing too much on each product, which is important your business can survive a long time.


5. Food Stalls

You who have a hobby cook, it's time to turn a hobby into a livelihood.

Try to do research on consumer interest before the open food stalls, for example, what type of food preferred by the people for the moment.

After that, try to learn how to make it and if necessary you can create a dish so that your meal be unique and have more value.

In addition, try to find a location close to the office, campus, or region that many homes are rented.

The business location is very influential on the income you will get, so don't rush in looking for a location.


6. Store Snacks

Ideas business capital under 10 million and the next is the store snacks.

A lot of snacks that you can select for your business. Could be a snack archipelago and that of the present.

When the munchies, make sure you have a target market that you have no difficulty in marketing the product to you.

In addition, if you want to open a store snacks online, be sure to pack the products snacks with a very good and secure, so your item can be up to the hands of the consumer in good condition.


7. Photography

For you who have the expertise of photography, or at least are interested in the field of photography, you can start business in the field of photography.

Start by offering photography services you to the nearest person for example for the needs of the wedding event, reunion, or photo Outfit of The Day (OOTD).

Don't set a high price if you are just starting this business, grow a sense of trust to the consumer with the give good results but the price of that light. By doing so, they will probably be wearing your services again and again.


8. Ornamental Plants

Business houseplants are also not to be overlooked when we talk about business ideas, business capital under 10 million, which is promising.

In order to avoid losses due to ornamental plants that fail cultivated, make sure you learn the basic techniques of caring for ornamental plants that.

Typically, between one kind of plants and other plants have different techniques.


9. Stationery Store

Many say that business stationery that "no death".

Yes, that's very true.

Stationery indeed be the needs of all people regardless of age.

Ranging from small children to big people need stationery, right?!

If we talk about the type of stationery that is a lot of that stuff.

But because you want to be the business capital under 10 million, it is better you choose a product-the most common products needed by the community, such as notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, a ruler, and so forth.

In addition, choose brands that are already known by the public.

Provide a product that has become a mainstay of the community will be faster sold compared to brands that are not yet known.

That's a reference to 10 business ideas small capital below 10 million that you can choose.



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