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For the sake of Nutmeg, Manhattan in the United Willingly Exchanged for the Island of Run in the Moluccas of Indonesia


- Island Run/Rhun is one of the smallest islands in the Banda Islands, Indonesia. The island has a length of 3 km and a width of less than 1 km. Administratively, this island including the District of Banda, Central Maluku District.

One of the agreements swap the most expensive in the history of world trade is been done by the Dutch and the English over one of the islands in the Archipelago.

On 31 July 1667 in the City of Breda, the Dutch, the two sides signed the Treaty of Breda the one of the content is of an agreement to swap spit it.

Article 3 of the Treaty of Breda decided that the Island of Run in the Maluku previously held by the British became the property of the Netherlands. As for the Island of Manhattan in the American colonies of the Netherlands officially became the English right. The island of Manhattan was once called Nieuw Amsterdam.

The Island Of Run

The history of one of the deal to swap spit the most expensive in the world it originated from a commodity nutmeg (Myristica fragrans). Long before the christian calendar is referred to, nutmeg has already become a commodity lukratif that drives the commercial traffic of the continent. Luster may be more of petroleum or rubber on the industrial age.

Before the nutmeg seed smuggled and successfully grown in many places, nutmeg grows only on the islands in the Banda Islands, one Island Run. From Banda, the nutmeg transported by sailors Malay, China, and India using the ships of the screen that follow the pattern of the wind. They headed for central cities such as Malacca and Calicut.

Then, the Arab merchant ship her to the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea, transport it in the caravans heading to the arabian Peninsula and Alexandria, across the Mediterranean waters, to finally get in the tables of the nobility of Europe. The price of nutmeg in Europe can be increased to 60,000 times the price of the place he was harvested. A German records from the 14th century mention, the price of 0.5 kilograms of nutmeg equivalent to "seven fat oxen" or seven bullocks fat. Wow!!!

Pala hunted because of the myth as a drug and the ingredients of vitality. Without nutmeg, of the nobility and the bourgeois Europe only like to eat the carcass and stale food.

After the Byzantine Empire collapsed, nutmeg vanished from circulation in Europe as traders it is difficult to pass through Alexandria. The sultanate Ottoman shut the gates of the south of Europe. The European sailors and their trading partners finally starting to search for the land of origin of nutmeg and find it in the islands of the Banda Islands.

In the 16th century Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC), the trading partners of the Netherlands, arrived in the Banda Islands and begin to master one by one the main island. The VOC managed to master the Banda to commit genocide against the native population of the Banda. The amount of the original inhabitants of Banda, who had more than 15,000 souls be left 600 people. In fact, many of the natives are left to choose to run from Banda. To work the nutmeg plantations in Banda, VOC import farm laborers from other regions in the Archipelago.

A Map Of The Island Run

Not long ago, namely on December 25, 1616, the English came and set up colonies on the island-the island of the remoteness, the Island Run and Ay. Knowing it, VOC feel threatened and considers the Uk sought to monopolize the trade in nutmeg and repel VOC.

Dutch and English then involved in the fighting during the 50 years since the Dutch want to fully master the Banda Islands, but there are still British on the Island of Run. Since 1621, the Dutch have mastered 10 of 11 islands in the Banda, except the Island of Run.

And finally, for the sake of gaining the Island of Run is the only area of 6 square kilometers or 600 hectares, the Dutch give Nieuw Amsterdam, the area of the colonies in the American continent, to England. Although widely Nieuw Amsterdam 18 times that of the Run, the agreement was very favorable of the Netherlands. Mastery of the Run to make the Dutch finally be able to master all the Banda Islands, only the producer of nutmeg in the world at that time.

The british occupied the Island of Manhattan which is occupied illegally by the Duke of York (later James II, brother of Charles II) in 1664 and changed its name from New Amsterdam into New York City and Run submitted to the Dutch. The monopoly of the Dutch against the nutmeg collapsed after the transfer of the nutmeg tree to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Grenada, Singapore and British colonies were other 1817 after the occupation of the main island, Banda besar, 1810 by Captain Cole that encourage the collapse of the supremacy of the Dutch in the spice trade. Until now there is still the nutmeg tree which grows on the Island of Run.

But the comparison of the Run and Nieuw Amsterdam, it applies only to the first course.
That time, the expanse of swamp land in New Amsterdam did not promise anything, but now where it evolved into Manhattan. The area that was once only a trading post animal fur it's now turned into one of the most advanced in the world. The island is the center of the global economy, which is located in the heart of New York City, megapolitan most popular in the United States.

Conditions Run very contrast with Manhattan. When Manhattan became an important city of the world that a lot of overgrown skyscrapers, boutiques, campus, as well as a restaurant and bar, Run only contains a handful of motorcycles and two School Junior High. When Manhattan into the land of hope for millions of immigrants, Run no more than a blot, a small in a world without the internet and most people aspire to see in Jakarta.

Run so immersed prestige until The Times Atlas of the World not forget to explain its existence. But first, the island is drawn when the earth map is not complete yet.

Run as had not moved much of the 17th century. Since the pullback trade pala following a slump in prices in the 18th century, the island was as forgotten. His fate is still such remote location.

Administratively, the Run status of village in the District of Banda, Central Maluku District. The distance is approximately 114 nautical miles (211 kilometers) from Ambon, the capital city of the Province of Maluku. From Ambon, a trip to the Run have to go through the Island of Naira, the capital city of the District of Banda, which is about 17 nautical miles (31 kilometers) from the Run.

One of the owners of the house near the small pier on the shoreline of the Island Run make his home as a guest house or place of stay for travelers. In front of the house there is a nameplate that read "Manhattan 2 Guesthouse". Ah yes, this is the island in the middle of the Banda Sea, which was the equivalent of Manhattan's.

If in Manhattan hustle and bustle of the traffic never gave up, on the Run instead there's a single car. The road network on the island only in the form of a layer of cement width of 2 meters. The head of the Village Run Bahasa Lakapota mention, there are only eight motorcycles in the island. He was until memorized one by one the name of its owner.



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