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The meaning of Discount % OFF (Percent OFF) on the Price of the Product

Discount % OFF Mean?

- When you check the price of the goods, whether it's in store,  supermarkets, and online shopping sites certainly often find the term 10% OFF or 20% OFF or values % OFF other. Initially, this term was only popular in the big stores in the plaza, the mall or shopping center and other modern. But now the term % OFF for the price of goods more and more popular especially since the rise of people shopping online. Then, what is the meaning % OFF on the label of the price of the goods? Here we go.

Discount % OFF Mean?

Discount % OFF that is the % discount. In this case it is a discount or rebates. So when you see the inscription 10% OFF on the price of the goods, the intention is the discount or 10% discount for the freight. Suppose that the price listed on the label is 100.000 then after the 10% discount price to 100.000 was reduced to 10% of 100.000 [Rp.10.000] namely the Rp90.000. As an example please see here.

How to Calculate Price To be Paid

To calculate the price to be paid by the buyer, you calculate first how the pieces price after that you subtract the initial price. You can use two formulas to calculate the discount as below.

          Pieces = (Number % OFF/100) x the initial Price
          Price paid = initial Price – Pieces

Suppose a t-shirt prices initially is 100.000, on the label of the price written 25% OFF then we can calculate the price paid in the following manner.
Pieces = (Number % OFF/100) x initial Price = (of 25/100 bathroom) x 100.000 = Rp25.000
Price paid = initial Price – Pieces = 100.000 – Rp25.000 = Rp75.000
So the price to be paid the buyer for t-shirt that is Rp75.000

Why Seller Gives A Discount?

Give a discount or rebates are one of the marketing strategies that are highly effective and always actual. The buyer will be very tempted to buy discounted products. This will increase sales for the seller. For the seller, provide the discount can also aimed to find new customers, retain customers longer, spend old stock, or build the reputation of the brand or store.

Things to consider Before Buying Goods Discount

Buy discount items feels favourable for buyers. Often you buy stuff you don't plan just as interested in the discount. But to avoid a wrong understanding of the price discount, there are a few things that should be considered when purchasing goods being such discounts.

First: Check the actual price. Is the price listed on the label of the price is already discounted or not. If no specification then please do not hesitate to ask the seller. Buyers will often disappointed when you pay because hope can be discounted from the price of the label, but the price listed is already a discounted price.

Second: pay attention to the terms and conditions (t&c) apply. Sellers sometimes use the strategy of discounts for the purchase of goods both. In this case it is actually the seller is providing a description with a banner, but often buyers do not read it carefully. For example 25% OFF for the second purchase. Sometimes the seller make the requirements of the discounted “purchase with purchase”. That means you can buy goods at a discount if you also buy other goods which is determined, for example 10% OFF for purchase of cooking oil with the purchase of margarine a particular brand.

Third: please Note that if there are variations in the percentage of the discount. Sometimes the seller mixing some goods with discounts vary. For example 10%-30% OFF. In this case there are items that are on sale for only 10% and there are discounted up to 30%. The buyer must be observant to see what percentage of the discount for the items of interest.

Fourth: Maximum the amount of the purchase. Sometimes items on sale for a limited amount of his purchase for example a 10% OFF a maximum of 3 pcs. Usually a discount with restrictions on the number of the purchase, this applies to food because it takes all the people. Sometimes this is done the seller to prevent the buyer bought the goods on sale.



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