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Plant Human-Shaped in the Harry Potter Movie Turns out to be True; Is He the Fact the Plant Mandrake...

mandrake plant human-shaped

- The plant Mandrake appeared in the movie Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, where students of Hogwarts learned planting these plants.

In the movie, the Mandrake is used to treat the students who were petrified by magic. In the movie was also told that the root of the Mandrake human-shaped and can cry and scream if unplugged from the ground up can kill a human. Not like in the Harry Potter Movies, here's the fact the plant Mandrake:


1. Shaped like a human

Mandrake has the latin name of the Mandragora officinarum or Atropa mandragora plants is a type of ginseng that is derived from the genus Mandragora, family Solanaceace. Its roots are gnarled make people see it as a human-shaped. Based on the legend, the shape of the Mandrake root to represent the parts of the human body that can be diobatinya, if shaped like the legs, then the roots can cure the human foot. Actually Mandrake is a plant medic are used to relieve pain.

2. These herbs can not cry like in the Harry Potter movies

In the Harry Potter movies, Mandrake described as plants that can cry and scream, when you yell plants this can make a person pass out or even die. It is inspired from the legends that spread across Europe. But in fact, the Mandrake can not cry like humans.

3. Used as an herbal remedy

Mandrake is a plant medic poison and was often used to quell the pain, the drug rheumatic even tumor drug. Almost the same with marijuana, the use of tools will bring up the benefits of this plant. But for the moment, Mandrake accidentally in the plant to be processed and used as herbal medicines.

mandrake plant human-shaped

4. Mandrake do not have a gender

According to Dioscurides, someone who examine the shape and uses Mandrake mention that Mandrake has a gender of male and female. However, along with the development of knowledge, scientists call the two sexes Mandrake these are the two species of Mandrake different. This species is called Mandragora Officinarum and Mandragora Autumnalis.

5. The legend spread among the people deliberately made

A growing legend in the community is not much different in the movie Harry Potter. Originally Mandrake widely used by witches Europe for a spell, ointment, cream, lotion, oil and potions to heal people. Because of the fear taken by the people who greedy, then the wizards of Europe was deliberately spread of this legend. Many of the myth was developed in the community, of plants Mandrake that can bring happiness and good luck. There is also a consider these herbs is an egg jin who grew up with droplets of blood and sperm that hung above it.

So, plants Mandrake that shaped the man and is able to heal someone that is indeed true.


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