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How To Treat Hair Loss And Baldness

How To Treat Hair Loss And Baldness

- Hair loss can be caused by many things, such as stress, dandruff, smoothing, food allergies, allergies to certain chemicals and lot more. Hair loss if not treated immediately can lead to baldness. And baldness if not treated immediately will be baldness permanently.

In this article, RESIDENTOFNIBIRU will share one (1) recipe ingredients herbal or natural ingredients to treat hair loss and baldness.

The materials that will be used quite a bit and of course very easy to come by as are available in the kitchen and also the home page.

So this herbal remedy can work optimally, it's good that you know in advance what the cause of hair loss and baldness hair and your head. Because if not, the result will be long and may not even exist any effect.

For example if the hair loss and baldness caused by dandruff, then you need to experience to overcome is dandruff first, after that you overcome loss and his bald spot.

Because it's useless if it only focuses on the treatment of hair loss and his bald spot, while the main trigger is not removed.


How to cope with hair loss and baldness

All right, to treat hair loss and baldness, the materials that need to be prepared are as follows:

1. Onion to taste

2. Onion to taste

3. Guava leaves young to taste

All of the ingredients to taste just because there is no dose of the raw.

How to make it:

All the ingredients are crushed into one. Can be by way of pulverized and blended until smooth. If it is already smooth enough, add a little water.

How to use:

Apply on the hair and scalp like doing things. Massage your scalp a few minutes so that the pores open and nutrients in the herb can be absorbed properly. Then let stand for approximately 1 hour. Last, rinse or keramaslah with shampoo scented because this herb is quite odorless.

Usage time may be morning or afternoon and should be done before the bath time.

Perform routine 4 times in 1 week.

For those of you that are not familiar with the above description, maybe video below can help. 

 Thank you for reading this article and hopefully useful!



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