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Looks Trivial, It Turns out the Benefits of Lifting the Feet into the Wall While Lying

Looks Trivial, It Turns out the Benefits of Lifting the Feet into the Wall While Lying

- Because of the busy routine and the tight schedule of day-to-day, sometimes we so don't have time to exercise. You know, it turns out not need to go to a gym or using expensive equipment to exercise optimally, you know?! There is one simple movements that you can do at home as a way to exercise.

The movement of what?

It's easy, simply lift the leg to the wall while lying down. Do this for 20 minutes every day. You will receive many benefits beyond the usual.

  •     Find the most comfortable position, can be on the bed or floor mattress.
  •     Lift both legs and then lean into the wall, both hands relax next to the body.
  •     Hold the position for 15-20 minutes.

Make sure you're wearing comfortable clothes, yes Moms. Don't try to wear clothes that are too tight and hinder blood circulation. There are five benefits that you can get with this movement.

As quoted from, if you routinely do this movement every day, there will be many positive changes that will be felt by your body.


1.Step the feet will feel lighter

Legs feel heavy or swelling can be caused by poor blood circulation. Could also be due to disorders of the heart and kidneys, excess weight and poor diet. With a routine set aside 20 minutes to lift the foot to the wall, the blood circulation can be more smoothly and step the foot feels more lightweight. 


2. Don't get tired when wearing high-heels

For those of you that day-to-day are required to wear shoes high-heels or high-heeled, take the time to 20 minutes to lift the foot to the wall could be your crutch. You will not easily tired, and the circulation of the blood can back smoothly.


3. Improving the digestive system

The performance of the digestive system can be even more smoothly. The blood supply to the organs in can be increased through the flow of the legs. Blood circulation is increased can optimize the digestive system. When done with the routine, most of the nutrients that we ingest will be absorbed more quickly.

4. Prevent stress

While lying down with the position of the foot lifted to the wall, the body will be more relaxed and able to breathe more calmly. Tissues of the body will get more oxygen and blood circulation more smoothly, nutrients can be circulated to all the organs in the. This then can make the nervous system more better, reduce the pressure around the forehead, neck, and abdomen. It won't be easy to stress again.


5. Sleep so much more soundly

Often have insomnia? Try to regularly do this movement. With lifting legs to the wall for 15-20 minutes, the brain will get more oxygen and blood circulation more smoothly. During sleep was more restful and quality.

When balanced with a healthy diet and exercise routine, then the benefits will be more remarkable. But there is no fault to start of simple movements that can be directly made at this time also.


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