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It Turns Out This Is The Cause Of The Mount Semeru Erupting

It Turns Out This Is The Cause Of The Mount Semeru Erupting

- Mount Semeru eruption on Saturday (4/12/2021) at around 14:50 PM. Quote from Magma Indonesia, visual eruption is not observable but the eruption was recorded on a seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 25 mm and a duration of 5160 seconds. 

Expert Volcanologist from the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) Dr. Eng. Mirzam Abdurrachman also explain the cause of the mount Semeru erupting.

According to him, the material of the lava flow that occurred in Mount Semeru is the accumulation of previous eruptions. The Material has been covering the crater of the volcano.

"The erosion of material of volcanic ash which is located in hood mount makes the load close Semeru missing so as to make the mountain erupted," he said as reported by the official page of the ITB, on Monday (6/12/2021).
According to him, the time of eruption of the citizens tend to not feel the earthquake, but still recorded by a seismograph. It is caused by at least a material that is in the magma chamber.


The Cause Of The Mount Semeru Erupting

He explained that there are several causes of Mount Semeru erupting, including:

First , because the volume in the magma chamber of mount Semeru is already full.

Second because of the presence of avalanches in the magma chamber caused the crystallization of magma.

The third because of the high rainfall. Mirzam say that the trigger of the eruption of Mount Semeru in the border District of Lumajang and Malang Regency, East Java, dating from the high rainfall at the site. Such conditions make the material of volcanic ash at the hood of the mountain experienced erosion. It then makes the load close Semeru be missing to push to the top (the eruption).

"Factor in the top of the magma chamber it seems that occur in Semeru, so when the rainfall is high enough, the volcanic ash that hold at its peak eroded by water, so that the mountain fire load loss," said Mirzam, Sunday (5/12).

"The erosion of material of volcanic ash which is located in hood mount makes the load close Semeru missing so as to make the mountain erupted, although the contents of the kitchen its magma chamber is little that can be seen from the seismic activity that a little bit," he added.


The Direction Of The Eruption Can Be Predicted

According to Mirzam, volcano type A has the interval of the eruption short-term which is about 1 to 2 years. Based on the last entry, the mountain is also experienced an eruption in the year 2020 in the month of December.

However, the direction of the eruption of mount Semeru according to predictable and leads to the Southeast region. This is because it refers to the Geological map of Semeru that the field of the birthplace of the mountain is not horizontal but tilted toward the South.

“If we're referring to the eruption 2020, the direction of the volcanic ash that tends toward the southeast and south as the wind blows in that direction so also with the flow of the lava because of all the rivers that disgorge into the peak of Semeru all flowing towards the South and Southeast,” he said.

Mirzam mention, on the eruption on Saturday (4/12) then the eruption posed of Semeru is quite large, is characterized by the thick volcanic ash that falls to the top of the time of eruption.

This is because the amount of volcanic ash that accumulates in the area around the peak, the result of the accumulation of the previous eruption.

The danger posed from the eruption of mount

As for a volcanic eruption would pose two dangers, namely primary and secondary. The danger of a primer of the eruption is a lava flow, rot in hell, and volcanic ash. While the danger of the secondary one is the occurrence of flash floods or lava.



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