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The Reason Why We Can't Cry The Time Of Unturned Sad

The Reason Why We Can't Cry The Time Of Unturned Sad

- Have you ever experienced the difficulties shed tears when you're so sad?

Some people do not easily cry, even if he is very sad. Most of them is the guy.

Launched YourTango, actually there is nothing wrong with someone who can not cry. In particular, they have been taught to believe that crying is a sign of weakness and a strong man would not cry.

In other words, people who are not able or do not want to cry actually have a problem with vulnerability. Some researchers define vulnerability as uncertainty, risk, and exposure to emotional.

Crying probably will not resolve the issue that is happening, but it can help release a lot of pressure and tension pent up in the body and the mind, so that it will create more relaxed in solving problems.



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