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How To Export Goods For Beginners?

How To Export Goods For Beginners?

- Exporting goods abroad is certainly one of the activities that every business actor dreams of, including SMEs.

Exporting is often associated as a marketing activity in a business with difficult stages. If business actors are asked about exports, in general they will answer the high cost, the view that dealing with customs is difficult, to the most classic, namely that exports must be in large quantities or one container. Therefore, every business actor must understand how to export goods.

In the Minister of Trade Regulation No. 13/2012 concerning General Provisions for Export, it is explained that Export is the activity of removing goods from the customs area. So, even if the product you send is only on a small scale, even less than 50 kg, and as long as everything is in the context of a transaction (not a free sample or an item sent for a humanitarian mission, for example), then it is legally valid and the conditions that apply are that you has carried out export activities.

Before exporting goods, there are several conditions and processes that must be passed. When all the conditions and processes have been passed, then the new export can be done. These are the terms and methods of exporting for beginners.


Preparation and Conditions Before Exporting Goods

Here are some preparations and requirements before sending goods abroad, including:

1. Already Have Purchase Order Documents

This document is proof of a request for goods from a buyer who is abroad which will then be a requirement for making an invoice document or a billing letter to the buyer.

2. Making Export Planning

One of the important things that must be prepared by an exporter, which is a designation for a person or party whose activities are to send goods abroad, is to make an export plan. This must be made in detail and carefully to facilitate our steps in the future. There are several things that must be made and discussed in advance with potential importers, namely:
a. Products to be exported
b. Determination of product classification
c. Export destination countries
d. Goods delivery line
e. Product packing
f. Fumigation (pest free)
g. Determination of export schedule
h. Prepare certificate of origin (SKA)
i. Prepare export notification letter (PEB)

3. Prepare Export Documents

Before exporting goods, business actors must also prepare and have a number of important documents supporting the delivery of goods, in the form of:

A. Packing List

Or a document from the sender containing information as well as product specifications, such as:
a. Packing list number
b. The date the packing list was made
c. Complete data of exporters and importers
d. PO number
e. Item's full name
f. The amount of goods
g. Gross weight and net weight of goods

B. Commercial Invoice

Namely information on goods data as well as the value of the goods in foreign currencies according to the country of destination, which contains:
a. Invoice number
b. Complete data of exporters and importers
c. PO number
d. Name of goods,
e. The amount of goods
f. Item price per unit and total price

C. Proof of Paying Export Duties

That is an important document that must be owned so that goods can be sent abroad. Some of the things that support this process are:
a. The PEB application has been approved with the Export Approval or PE document.
b. Payment of export duties according to the rates stated in the export notification document.

After everything is complete, then the goods can be sent abroad.

The Process of Exporting Goods Abroad for Beginner Business Actors

After setting up the requirements for the export of goods, here's how to export the goods:

1. Setting the Destination Country

The first step is to select the destination country. Analyze the character and culture of the country's people for the needs of market analysis and target market.

2. Registering a Business Website into an International Business Portal

One of your efforts in utilizing technology is to take advantage of this international business portal. By registering a business on an international business portal, the opportunity for buyers from other countries can be opened. Examples of such business portals include Amazon and Ebay.

3. Complete Documents and Use Government Facilities

Immediately complete the documents as listed above, and you can also take advantage of the facilities from the government, namely so that local businesses can be marketed abroad. After that, fulfill the requirements and prepare whatever is needed as part of the export process. If so, the new export process can be run.


This is the preparation and method of exporting goods abroad for novice business actors. By understanding this export method, you can have a greater opportunity to expand your market overseas. Hope it is useful!


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