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8 Ways to Start a Business Without A Lot Of Capital

8 Ways to Start a Business Without A Lot Of Capital

- Do you currently have a business idea, but you don't have enough money to start the business? Many of us think that starting a business requires sufficient capital. Here is how to start a business without a lot of capital.

But the fact is that not all business ideas always require a lot of capital. Check out some tips for starting a business without a lot of money.

1. Start a Service or Consulting Business

In starting this consulting business, you only need a laptop or computer to conduct consulting business online or remotely. Of course, internet access is also required in this case. Therefore you don't need to bother renting a place and spending big funds to start this business.

2. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is where you have to find investors to capitalize your business through the internet. Business owners can directly submit their startup ideas to the platform principal in the hope of being considered for business funding to be run. However, you should first check behind the crowdfunding platform to make sure it has a good enough reputation value.

3. Incubator

Business incubators are companies that help start companies through their early phases of development to the point of having sufficient financial, physical and human resources to move forward on their own.

4. Angel Investors

Angel investors are individual investors who invest their own money, to invest in promising start-up and early-stage businesses. In return for this funding, the angel investor will usually receive a shareholding in the business. Angel investors can invest directly, through the angel investment network or even through a crowdfunding platform.

5. Credit Line

You can get funds by borrowing through a bank or other loan sources. However, you have to reconsider the risk of interest to be paid as well. Borrow as much as you can, don't borrow too much but adjust and predict whether the business will run well or not, so it takes a lot of consideration before borrowing from the bank.

6. Small Business Administration

The Small Business Administration (SBA) works with small businesses to facilitate lending through participating lenders. The SBA does not lend money directly, but works with small businesses to match them with the right lender, for their needs. The SBA offers risk-minimizing guarantees for participating lenders.

7. Small Business Grants

Small business grants are basically free money. Not like a loan that must be repaid. These grants are much rarer than small business loans. The application process is very rigorous and there is a lot of competition for these grants.

Grants are usually for a specific purpose, such as purchasing equipment related to an environmentally oriented business venture. Funds cannot be used outside the parameters set by the organization that provided the money.

8. Friends and Family

Your family or friends, maybe even old friends who over the years may be a source of funding for your new business.


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